CONFIRMED! - 3rd Annual Conservative Day with the Loggers

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CONFIRMED! - 3rd Annual Conservative Day with the Loggers

June 27, 2020 - 08:08
Posted in:

Join and No Better Friend Corp. as we celebrate Independence Day

WHAT: La Crosse Loggers baseball game

WHEN: 6:P00pm Saturday, July 4th – Gates open at 5:00pm

WHY: To celebrate Liberty and enjoy some casual fellowship with like-minded conservatives!

Only 40 seats are available so get yours today by contacting Liz at 608-796-9553 – tell her you are with Coulee Conservatives for the July 4th game.

Tickets cost $30 per person. Get yours before it’s too late!
Invited Guests include: 3rd GOP Congressional Candidates and other candidates for local offices, Military veterans and active duty personnel, and YOU!

Feel free to print out and share the attached flyer with all your conservative friends

There are 3 Comments

Can you resend this out with the entire flyer on it? Don't have the information needed to order the tickets!

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