Biden’s Build Back Broke Agenda continues to fail Wisconsin families

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Biden’s Build Back Broke Agenda continues to fail Wisconsin families

May 11, 2024 - 15:42
Posted in:

As Joe Biden returns to Wisconsin to tout private industries’ accomplishments as his own, it is important that we highlight the ongoing struggles Badger State families continue to face at the hands of Biden’s failed economic agenda.

Three years ago, Americans swapped the economic success that we saw under President Trump for Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Broke’ agenda – one that can be felt by Badger State families every time they head to the grocery store, gas station, or pay their bills. Now Biden returns to Wisconsin doing what Democrats do best – taking credit for the work of private industry, all while ignoring his real record: the rise in inflation by 18 percent or the fact that Wisconsin families are spending $880 more a month as a result of his far-left policies. With six months to go until Election Day, Biden cannot hide from his record. I am ready to rebuild the economic success we saw under President Donald Trump’s leadership and that begins this November, when we put an end to the far-left’s tax-and-spend agenda once and for all.

There is 1 Comment

In fact, Biden's agenda and policies do nothing but stifle free enterprise. Biden has continued to promote more destructive policies that make it very hard for any business to be able to profit.

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