

Winning for Wisconsin

If I know one thing about President Trump, it’s that he likes winners, and I’m the only person in this race who has won statewide — not once, but four times.

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Endorsement from President Donald J. Trump

I appreciate President Trump’s endorsement and vote of confidence. This is a tremendous boost to our efforts and a continuation of our astounding surge since I entered the race.

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Join Kevin in Sparta on Thursday

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Disgusted with Steve Doyle

I was disgusted to hear Rep. Steve Doyle's radio ad today where he offered his assistance to business professionals in wading through seas of red tape due to the out-of-control bureaucracy.

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Second Amendment Sanctuary

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution very clearly states,

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

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When I intro-ed Lara Trump in Wausau

This morning, after seeing Joe Biden and Tony Evers' latest calls to strip us of our Second Amendment rights, I was reminded of just two years ago when we had a President in the White House who stood UP for our rights.

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The knee-jerk reaction from Democrats is to punish law-abiding citizens

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United by Traditional American Principles

While in Middleton, I appreciated hearing the diverse perspectives of the Party Faithful and discussing what conservatives can do to win in November, and how we can make Wisconsin a better place to live for families today and for generations to co

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