

Wisconsin's 3rd District

I would like to congratulate Congressman Kind on his reelection. Sara Jane and I will continue praying for Ron and his family as we do for all of our elected leaders.

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Union Man Speaks Out

I’m a union man. United in marriage over 60 years. A member of the 'Union of' States over 82 years. A dues paying member of United Brotherhood of Carpenters, Local 678 (joined Spring 1974).

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“Elections have consequences” …and so do votes

Remember in early 2009 when the recently elected President Obama uttered the now famous snub “Elections have consequences” when meeting with Congressional Republicans shortly after his inauguration? He quickly added “I won”.

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An Incredible Presidential Record of Accomplishments

On Tuesday, November 3rd the contrast could not be greater. President Trump stands for “We the People”, law and order, and the American Flag.

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Calling out Kind's lack of commitment on the Vicki McKenna Show

The reason we're winning is we're doing the job that a candidate is supposed to be doing. It's funny that you talked about this virtual rally.

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What happened to the party of JFK?

President John F. Kennedy was a remarkable person; he took the bull by the horns and inspired America. I was 11 years old when he was assassinated and remember that day like it was yesterday.

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Monroe County’s Awesome Assemblymen

Ever since Rep.

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Truth in Political Advertising

As we wind down to Election Day 2020 this is the season to talk about truth in political advertising. I started my research on-line looking for “Truth in Advertising” and immediately found about 748,000,000 results.

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