

Doyle Thinks You are as Corrupt as him

Governor Evers is proposing a plan to provide every taxpayer with a $150 check and trick you into voting for his re-election. Here is what Steve Doyle said about the Governor’s plan to create a rebate to taxpayers:

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Testin on the Trail

As we approach the three-month mark leading up to the RPW State Convention on May 20, our campaign is traveling the state to meet and hear from delegates, like you, in all corners of Wisconsin!

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No need for police oversight board

The La Crosse County Board continues to pursue the creation of a police oversight board. The creation of this board represents an overreaction to the George Floyd incident in Minneapolis. We don’t have a problem with police shootings.

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Desperate Democrats Use Allinsky Tactics in Holmen

Our sources in Holmen have alerted us to a diabolical Democrat tactic being executed in the School Board elections.

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Candidates you can Trust for Sparta School Board

The VOTE4 team of four school board candidates includes Amy Lopez, Pat McKenna, Marla Leverich, and Jason Perry. The VOTE4 candidates decided to team up together because they share the same philosophy in 4 key areas.

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The Great, Big Lie

I have the data. The evidence is clear. The vast majority of citizens living within the Coulee Region are in FULL SUPPORT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT and do NOT desire to defund the police in any way, shape, or form.

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Wisconsin, there is A Better Way Forward—

When we retire Tony Evers in November and put conservatives back in control of the Badger State, we will have a lot to get done!

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We need NEW leadership

From the Holmen School District all the way up to the White House with bureaucrats like Dr. Fauci, it is clear that the only science our current leadership cares about is Political Science.

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