

Questioning the FBI

The FBI tried to paint the revelations in the Hunter Biden laptop as "Russian disinformation," interfering in the 2020 election to a far greater extent than anything Russia or China ever could have hoped to accomplish.

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Restoring Function and Fiscal Sanity

The Wall Street Journal published my op-ed outlining the steps Republicans must take to rest

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Thank You Wisconsin

We made history in Wisconsin and it wouldn’t have been possible without you.

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I can’t thank you enough

First of all, THANK YOU!

Thank you for your continuous support throughout this election. I am truly grateful to have you on my team, and I wouldn’t be sending this if it weren't for you.

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My deepest thanks to those who served

Every Veteran’s Day I go through the list of my contacts saved in my phone.

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Steve Doyle has No Shame

I write this message to you on Veteran's Day. A day that is deeply emotional for many people around the nation as we reach out to the greatest heroes in our lives and thank them for their service.

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Something to Consider for November 10, 2022

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a bold prediction

Rocks are heavy, trees are made of wood, gravity is real, and the La Crosse Tribune is the communications department for the floundering Pfaff campaign.

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