Supporting our Law Enforcement Officers

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Supporting our Law Enforcement Officers

January 08, 2022 - 06:57
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This week, my Republican colleagues and I introduced a legislative package of bills at press conferences across the state supporting our law enforcement officers.

From recruitment and relocation to retention and recreation, this package aims to address the struggles departments are facing throughout Wisconsin.

This package uses $25 million in ARPA funding. In many ways, law enforcement officers have been the ones who dealt most directly with the pandemic– with mental health challenges, increase in crime, and as this article points out, to be a presence at COVID sites. Read it here: "Milwaukee Health Department increases police presence at COVID-19 testing sites"

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Anyone who is not on the side of Law Enforcement, does not understand the situation. We need to support law enforcement, they have a very hard job. Most people have no idea what they face in the average day, and for sure what they face on a bad day. We as a society must back them, when they are doing what we ask them to do. They work for us, and while they are human and may make and occasional mistake, we must stand behind them.

Thank God that we have people who step up to do these jobs, we must protect them as they protect us. And one last thing, if you don't like the police, don't call them if you need them!

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