Standing up for the Rule of Law

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Standing up for the Rule of Law

February 07, 2021 - 12:57
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The Wisconsin State Assembly stood up for the rule of law by approving Senate Joint Resolution 3 to revoke Governor Evers' Executive Order #104. The governor has abused his limited authority for far too long. Wisconsin law clearly establishes a state of emergency shall not exceed 60 days, unless extended by a joint resolution of the legislature.

On March 12, 2020, Governor Tony Evers issued Executive Order #72 declaring a public health emergency for COVID-19 and it expired on May 11, 2020. He then issued four more on same public health emergency without approval from the legislature.

The Assembly vote was not about masks. Before the floor session, Assembly Republicans sent the governor a letter requesting that he work with the legislature on reasonable masking requirements through the required administrative rules process. The governor instead put forward another new executive order.

I believe most people follow CDC guidelines not because of the governor's unilateral dictates but because they want to protect themselves and others.

If we have to have a mask mandate, why isn't there a social distancing mandate or a hand washing mandate?

Yet, here we are today with another gubernatorial mandate that ignores state law and the very foundation of our representative democratic form of government.

I invite you to watch my closing floor speech on Senate Joint Resolution 3 at this Wisconsin Eye link.

There is 1 Comment

So where were you when the governor issued his SECOND mask order? HOW come you decided to grow a pair now, instead of when the rule of law was first breached?

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