Republicans' Response to the Budget Address
We had a busy week in the Assembly. On Tuesday, Governor Evers delivered his 2025 budget address which was nothing more than a liberal wish list that includes reckless spending, higher taxes, and more regulations on our businesses. Republicans made it clear these policies will not move forward in the Assembly.
"To the people of Wisconsin who are concerned about the budget that Governor Evers just announced, have faith. Most of the stuff that's in the budget - the 20% spending increase, billions of dollars in taxes, all of the wasteful new programs being created, regulations on the private sector, increases on income tax - all of those things are dead on arrival. We are not going to let Wisconsin become Tim Walz's Minnesota."
Here is the truth about Governor Evers' budget:
- Total additional spending of $118.9 billion, a 20% increase
- Gross tax hikes over $3.7 billion
- Turns a $4 billion surplus into a $4 billion deficit
- Creates a new income tax bracket of 9.8% which is one of the highest in the nation
- Creates new red flag laws
- Changes statues to gender neutral terminology
- Removes important election safeguards
We know as families are struggling with rising prices and costs, the last thing they need is growing government, higher taxes, and more spending. It's not going to happen in Wisconsin and Republicans in the legislature will make sure we keep our pro-business approach while investing in our priorities and ensuring Wisconsin is a place you can still afford to live.
This budget is not only irresponsible - it is out of touch and dangerous to all Wisconsinites.
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Evers is on a role!
Evers had a little meth in his water the other night and picked up his pace! (He does need a bit of a boost) He is working on that old democrat playbook that promises free everything and discounts on top of that. I wish someone would ask him where the government gets the authority to provide everything he has listed. Needless to say, there is no answer to that question.
Thank Wisconsin voters for electing Republicans and Conservatives to the state offices so that we can stop this socialist from spending our hard-earned money in such foolish ways.
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