Reminder: Mandela Barnes abandoned Kenoshans

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Reminder: Mandela Barnes abandoned Kenoshans

August 24, 2022 - 17:52
Posted in:

As we remember the destruction and chaos that ensued in Kenosha in 2020, it’s impossible to forget the way Mandela Barnes put his own political interests FIRST and Wisconsin LAST.

As Kenosha burned, Mandela Barnes refused to step up and be a LEADER for Wisconsin. Instead, he jumped to conclusions and threw law enforcement under the bus.

In response to the shooting of Jacob Blake, which an independent report found to be justified, Mandela Barnes tweeted:


After businesses and the livelihoods of countless Kenoshans were burned to the ground, unbelievably, Mandela Barnes claimed that from the riots you could see a “community” being built in the “wake of it all.”

Mandela Barnes is as radical as they come. He used turmoil and mayhem in Kenosha to appeal to the woke, radical left while abandoning Kenoshans and law enforcement in the process.

We must hold him accountable!

There is 1 Comment

How can a socialist who hates America work his way to the Ballot that can lead to the most important job in Wisconsin? Is it because we have the Communist/Democrat party alive and well? I am afraid that is the answer. When I was young, this man and his limited associates were treated like the terrorist they are. America tolerates these people out of political correctness, a curse that is destroying America. My sincere apologies to John Kennedy democrats!

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