BREAKING: We’re in a DEAD HEAT to flip Wisconsin

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BREAKING: We’re in a DEAD HEAT to flip Wisconsin

August 04, 2024 - 11:36
Posted in:

Polling from Emerson shows our campaign to defeat Tammy Baldwin effectively tied inside the margin of error at 44% - 46%!

This came just days after another poll showed us with an extremely narrow lead.

Fellow Conservative, no matter how you look at it, we’re in a DEAD HEAT to flip Wisconsin in November. Chuck Schumer and Tammy Baldwin are spending everything they have to halt our momentum in this race.

The only way we can break this deadlock is with the support of Conservatives like you. Can I count on you to step up with a donation of $10, $25, $50, or even $250 to break the tie?

If Democrats reach undecided voters before we do, they could easily retake the lead in this race.

We can’t sit idly by. Your support in the next 24 hours is the only way Eric can get his winning message to the voters who will decide this race.

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