Biden's Record of Failure
Biden's first year in office has been a year of failure.
Out of control spending. Record inflation. Raging COVID. Afghanistan disaster. Emboldening our adversaries. Crisis at the border. Increased crime. Deepening division.
Biden said he "outperformed" expectations. I'm not sure what planet he's inhabiting but on planet Earth his record is a record of failure. Listen to my remarks from the news conference here.
The Republican agenda is clear. We're for letting the American people live their lives with the least amount of government interference as possible.
There is 1 Comment
Time to step up, this is no time to sit back!
This is serious, if we don't elect strong people now, who will stand for a Constitutional America, our grand children will be speaking a different language. The National Parks will be controlled by the Chinese. Think that is extreme, it is not, wake up and lets stop this current direction, before it is too late.
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