77 Days

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77 Days

August 23, 2024 - 14:48
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In 77 days, voters will elect the 47th President of the United States in one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime. As we continue to fight to protect the unborn, bolster parental rights, stand up for religious freedom, and combat woke ideology in our school systems, we need elected officials who are willing to stand up and defend those same principles.

As we all prepare for the fall election, we should consider which candidates best represent our values. Candidates, unfortunately, are not perfect. Usually, there is something that we don’t like or disagree with about a candidate. Many of us may even wish for a different set of candidates entirely! That’s understandable, but unfortunately not practical. What’s done is done, and God has allowed these people to be our candidates. As we look at our ballot this November, let’s consider which candidate best represents God’s view on marriage, family, life, and religious liberty. One writer describes it as voting to lessen evil. We will be voting for more than a candidate. We will be voting for principles, values, and ideologies.

Sadly, “There are around 25 million Christians in the United States that don’t vote consistently – one out of every three Christians. If self-professed followers of Christ voted, they would have the power to single-handedly change the course of our nation,” My Faith Votes found. While this statistic can be disappointing, it should energize every believer. We have what it takes to win back America if we, as Christians, engage in the voting process! Let’s make sure we are ready to participate in the election this fall and even encourage our friends and family to be ready as well!

If you haven’t already, please take the time to confirm your polling location, request an absentee ballot if necessary, and overview what will appear on your ballot on November 5th. We are in the home stretch of this critical election season. Please reach out and ensure all your friends and family are registered to vote and equipped with the resources to make informed decisions in 77 days.

There is 1 Comment

"Thou shalt not kill" is a moral imperative that appears in the Torah as one of the Ten Commandments. Please give this evil activity some thought, this is simply human decency, please vote for honorable people who are not hypocrites.

Oh yeah for those of you asking when life begins, if it were not alive you would not have to kill it .

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