March 2021

This is Not COVID Relief

March 05, 2021 - 17:04

I spent Thursday afternoon and evening listening to all 11 hours of the reading of the Democrats' 628-page $1.9 trillion dollar "COVID-19 relief" bill. I would like to thank the Senate clerks who read the bill. I know it was a big job and it's unfortunate it took so long. I finally got a hard copy about an hour into the reading. Here's what I learned:

Bringing the Budget Back to Reality

March 05, 2021 - 04:52

The Legislative Leadership Roundtable with the Wisconsin Counties Association provided an excellent opportunity to contrast Republican and Democratic perspectives on how to spend your hard-earned tax dollars. As I mentioned during the taped broadcast, Governor Evers' $91 billion budget proposal is pure fantasy and I announced that legislative Republicans will begin the budget process from scratch just as we did two years ago. The governor's budget contains too many poison pills.
