December 2020

Happy New Year!

December 31, 2020 - 17:34

While most of us would rather not look back at 2020, I can say some of my most enjoyable times have been talking to my friends and neighbors in Racine County. I recently looked up how many constituents reached out to my office this past year. We had roughly 3563 constituent contacts, nearly ten a day. My office and I worked through 267 constituent cases; most were issues with the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and its lack of response to Unemployment Insurance claims. Due to the issues at DWD, my office also assisted roughly another 500 individuals from across the state.

Update On Republican Electors

December 16, 2020 - 20:56

Wisconsin’s Republican electors met today, following statutory guidelines for presidential electors, preserving our role in the electoral process still under legal challenge. While President Trump’s campaign continues to pursue legal options for Wisconsin, electors met in accordance with statutory guidelines to preserve our role in the electoral process with the final outcome still pending in the courts.

Does Joe Biden Remember Richard Nixon?

December 13, 2020 - 15:29

I wonder if Joe Biden remembers Richard Nixon.

To refresh your memory, Richard M. Nixon was a Navy Officer from California in World War II who was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1946 and to the U.S. Senate in 1950. Republican nominee for President Dwight D. Eisenhower picked Nixon to be his running mate in 1952 and they won. Prior to the 1956 campaign President Eisenhower asked his Vice President if he would like to run a Cabinet Department in the second term and Nixon replied no that he was happy doing what he was doing.

Defending the Rule of Law

December 12, 2020 - 08:05

I continue to hear false reports that there is no evidence of voter fraud. There are hundreds of sworn statements.

In Wisconsin the Democrat controlled Wisconsin Election Commission ignored the state constitution and state law repeatedly to rig this election.

1. They denied the Green Party candidate access to the ballot in clear violation of the state law.

Capitol Christmas Tree

December 12, 2020 - 07:57

Yes, it's a far cry from previous Christmas trees in the Capitol Rotunda in Madison. But I appreciate the effort by my colleagues Reps. Shae Sortwell and Paul Tittl to add a little holiday spirit inside the Capitol. (See video below.)

Sharing the message of hope, peace and joy is important at Christmas as Christians around the world celebrate Jesus' birth. This message is conveyed through a variety of displays, including a simple tree. Whether you celebrate the season or not, this message is universal.

Investigative Journalists, Former FBI Testify

December 05, 2020 - 12:21

This week, I held a hearing looking at misconduct of the FBI and Department of Justice and suppression of the media during the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

We heard testimony from investigative journalists Sharyl Attkisson and Lee Smith, as well as from former FBI Assistant Director Kevin Brock.

This corruption should be troubling to every member of Congress, yet no Democrats participated in this hearing (except the Ranking Member's opening statement saying we shouldn't be holding this hearing).

A Treatise on Modern American Culture

December 04, 2020 - 04:45

I have been analyzing our culture for several decades. As a result of that analysis I have made some conclusions regarding a Root Cause Analysis of our modern American culture. In the world of software engineering and information technology, we perform a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) as a way to study all available evidence to find the lowest level where a problem is manifesting itself. Is it a bug in the display layer? The middleware layer? The server layer? Is it an operating system issue or is it a hardware fault?

Assembly GOP COVID Relief Package

December 04, 2020 - 04:36

Assembly Republicans announced a package of initiatives to help the state address the public health crisis. The legislation gives the state more tools to fight the spread of the coronavirus and helps struggling families across Wisconsin. The legislative package builds off of Governor Evers’ most recent proposals, provides emergency funding and creates a road map for the state to move through the pandemic.

The Assembly Republican GOP package includes the following: