May 2020

It's time.

May 31, 2020 - 10:16

As I've mentioned before, Ron Kind is a 23-year career politician who has wasted away his years in office. His two decades of "service" in D.C. have been nothing but a testament to the strong power grip of Pelosi and the threat of career politicians in Washington. In short, Ron Kind’s fake leadership is long past its expiration date.

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Gov. Evers' Unemployment Insurance Problems

May 31, 2020 - 10:06

When you arrive at the website of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD), you're greeted with a message that DWD is "experiencing an unprecedented call volume" and told if you're inquiring about unemployment insurance to call at a certain time according to the first letter of your last name. We know people have had trouble contacting DWD and have been waiting for a response on their unemployment insurance (UI) claims for weeks, even months.

Honoring our Heroes on Peace Officers Memorial Day

May 15, 2020 - 13:58

I sat there, watching my phone. Said a quick prayer, then checked my phone again. It was just after 3 a.m. on a Saturday morning. I had received a call from my supervisor around midnight about an incident that had occurred. As a public information officer for a small city government, my role was to help organize and send out information to the media and the public about it.

Richland County Sheriff James Bindl Endorses Ebben for Congress

May 14, 2020 - 07:18

"Holding public office requires more than just being responsive to the people who elected you to serve them; it requires being proactive on their behalf, anticipating needs and seeking out relationships fundamental for problem-solving. Jessi has proactively reached out to learn about the issues that matter to Richland County. We have discussed the need to improve access to mental health services and opportunities for rural employment. She will take these matters with her to Washington, D.C. and be a champion for rural Wisconsinites.

Exploring Reopening Options

May 02, 2020 - 07:43

I want to thank my Racine County constituents who have been reaching out to my office to let me know their thoughts on the Safer at Home extension that currently runs through May 26. As you might expect, frustrations are running high. Many people would like to see a safe reopening of the state sooner rather than later. I asked the Wisconsin State Assembly Committee on State Affairs to explore reopening options by holding an informational hearing.

This COVID-19 is serious stuff. And, we've been over-sold.

May 02, 2020 - 07:36

First of all, 98 % of people who get it - - recover. (Very few who get it, get tested.) When I watch the numbers on the news, only about 1 in 11 - - of the people tested - -- have it. And only about 1 in 20 of those that have it - - die of it. There are 5,822,000 people in Wisconsin. There are about 7,000 cases and 70,000 as of 4/30/20. There are 76 times as many people in Wisconsin than have been tested.