

Gov. Evers' Unemployment Insurance Problems

When you arrive at the website of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD), you're greeted with a message that DWD is "experiencing an unprecedented call volume" and told if y

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Honoring our Heroes on Peace Officers Memorial Day

I sat there, watching my phone. Said a quick prayer, then checked my phone again. It was just after 3 a.m. on a Saturday morning. I had received a call from my supervisor around midnight about an incident that had occurred.

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Joint Statement: Supreme Court Ruling

Madison, WI…Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) released the following statement after the Wisconsin State Supreme Court made its ruling in Wisconsin Legislature v.

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Richland County Sheriff James Bindl Endorses Ebben for Congress

"Holding public office requires more than just being responsive to the people who elected you to serve them; it requires being proactive on their behalf, anticipating needs and seeking out relationships fundamental for problem-solving.

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Exploring Reopening Options

I want to thank my Racine County constituents who have been reaching out to my office to let me know their thoughts on the Safer at Home extension that currently runs through May 26. As you might expect, frustrations are running high.

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This COVID-19 is serious stuff. And, we've been over-sold.

First of all, 98 % of people who get it - - recover. (Very few who get it, get tested.) When I watch the numbers on the news, only about 1 in 11 - - of the people tested - -- have it.

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It's Time to Slowly, Locally Reopen Wisconsin

While the coronavirus has affected our country's health and economy, the most sacred of all, our freedom, should be inoculated.

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Is the Cure Worse than the Disease?

Governor Tony Evers decision to have DHS Secretary Andrea Palm extend his “safer at Home” order to May 26th is shocking and most likely illegal. The Governor only has power to extend his emergency order to May 10th.

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