

I'll cut your taxes

As your Governor, I will prioritize transformational tax reform that lifts Wisconsin families up and gets government out of the way because you deserve to keep more of your hard-earned income.

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GOP Victory is looking for Patriots like YOU to get involved in your local community and take a stand in defense of our conservative values through becoming an election inspector.

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Biden's Inflation is a Gut Punch to Americans

We found out recently that consumer prices jumped 8.5 percent. That's a 41-year high.

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Help me get on the ballot

Will you help ensure I'm on the ballot this year by collecting nomination signatures?

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I need your help to get on the ballot

Today is the beginning of the nomination petition period, and I need YOUR help to get on the ballot!

Between now and June 1, we need to collect at least 4,000 signatures from Wisconsinites across the state.

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Lieutenant Governor Candidate David Varnam Endorsed by Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund PAC

Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund PAC announced their endorsement of former Lancaster Mayor David Varnam on Tuesday for lieutenant governor.

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It’s GO time and We need YOUR help!

I hope you had a wonderful Easter.

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Modern Day Holocaust?

We have a savage maniac loose in the world, now that Putin has threatened nuclear war, if anyone tries to stop him. I guess there are no limits, and no one has stepped up to stop him.

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