

Ron Johnson Was Right All Along

It is clear to all of us that Ron was right about Biden family corruption, that he uncovered in 2020 and that was buried by the FBI and social and mainstream media. He has been proven right, as he has been so many times on so many issues.

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Evers Strikes Out on Political Intimidation

Gov. Tony Evers lawsuit against conservative volunteer Bill Feehan has met with its final failure in court.

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2022 Lincoln Day Dinner

It is my pleasure to invite you to the La Crosse County Republican Party’s 2022 Lincoln Dinner on Saturday, September 10th at Cedar Creek in Onalaska! Our marquee guests will be U.S.

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No Taxation Without Representation

No Taxation Without Representation

That is one of the bedrock principles of our nation dating all the way back to the founding of the United States.

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Kaul was MIA and Kenosha Burned

On August 23, 2020, Josh Kaul failed Kenosha and Wisconsin.

Jacob Blake was shot on that day and Josh Kaul had to have known Blake was brandishing a knife. Why? Kaul was investigating the shooting!

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Reminder: Mandela Barnes abandoned Kenoshans

As we remember the destruction and chaos that ensued in Kenosha in 2020, it’s impossible to forget the way Mandela Barnes put his own political interests FIRST and Wisconsin LAST.

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No regrets

It’s the two-year anniversary of the onset of the Kenosha riots, and Tony Evers wants you to know something about his behavior during those dangerous days:

He has no regrets.

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Restoring law and order

Attorney General Josh Kaul has failed to support law enforcement, enforce our election laws, and protect Wisconsin from violent criminals.

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