

Common Sense Gun Laws

For several years I have been calling for common sense gun laws. In all these years my common-sense proposals have fallen on deaf ears by politicians who are afraid of what the fake news will say about them if they support my proposals.

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What does liberty and freedom mean to you?

Governor Evers has called for universal background checks on all gun transactions. That means that in order for it to work, the government will need to know who owns all guns and where they live, where the guns are stored and what type they are.

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Potential Veto Override

The WISCONSIN budget that the Republican Legislature approved included an additional $90 million in aid for local road repairs.

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Celebrating America's Independence

In the midst of picnics, parades and fireworks, it can be easy to forget that the freedoms we’ve known our whole lives aren’t inevitable or even normal in the light of history.

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Rep Ron Kind’s Leadership (or lack thereof)

There was campaign chatter in 2018 that Rep Ron Kind was an unknown and insignificant Congressman just like when he was a freshman Congressman twenty-plus years earlier.

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Wisconsin Budget

A budget for all of Wisconsin was approved by the Joint Committee on Finance this week.

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Saluting our heroes is far from partisan

On April 9, I had the tremendous honor to address a joint session of the Wisconsin Legislature to recognize those members of the Wisconsin National Guard who participated in the Southwest border mission as our Hometown Heroes.

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Council President Diane Wulf Leads Charge to Dismantle Technology Committee

Here is the letter that I sent to Onalaska Council President Diane Wulf after she led the charge to dismantle the Technology Committee:

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