What This Election is Really About

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What This Election is Really About

September 14, 2024 - 11:28
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Kamala's campaign, the news media, and the Democrat Party (but I repeat myself) are trying to make this election about their fantasies of a utopia where everybody gets everything they dream of with no consequences. They make flowery speeches, utilize focus group approved phrases, and speak words of joy and happiness and all sorts of fake Holywood-esque B.S. but the reality on the ground is far different. Democrats are obsessed with their hatred of Trump and expect us to abandon our traditional American principles because they hate those too. Like all Marxist plans throughout history, there are real consequences and all we have to do is look at the results of their policies right NOW because Kamala already started to implement her plans from within the Biden White House.

Young families can't afford to buy homes and feed their families. Food prices are up 25%. Rent is up 37%. Fuel costs are up 170%. Clothing is up 17%. Kamala and Biden have enacted policies that significantly harmed the American energy industry. Energy literally fuels our entire economy so these policies forced prices to skyrocket as a result. It costs more to get the energy out of the ground. It costs more to refine it. It costs more to transport it to consumers. It costs more to transport all retail goods to consumers including agriculture products and food. Everything costs more because of their energy policies. Then, to add insult to injury, Kamala was the deciding vote on the so-called Inflation Reduction Act that trashed the value of the dollar and caused inflation to reach record levels. Right here in the Coulee Region, during his trip to Westby, Biden even admitted that the bill he signed was all about climate change. Now the groceries that were more expensive because of the increased energy costs increased even more due to this inflation - a new tax on every American even those making under $400,000. All of these economic pressures forced the interest rates up and now buying a home is out of reach for most young families and those hoping to move up in their housing. People are not willing to give up their 3% mortgage for a 7.5% mortgage rate and this stagnation in the market is also negatively impacting the economy. Developers can't afford to develop and builders can't afford to build.

Low income minority workers are having their jobs taken. As a direct result of Border Czar Kamala's policies to let every immigrant into the nation illegally, friends of mine in the San Diego area are having a hard time finding work in the landscaping and home repair business. You see, people are hiring illegals and then paying them considerably less under the table. The low income citizens of our nation are left with the demoralizing situation of being unemployed and the double whammy of having their taxes go toward programs to help the same illegals who are stealing their jobs.

Lawlessness and chaos throughout the nation. Our citizens are being poisoned by fentanyl and other drugs flowing across the border with illegals. Mexican cartels are trafficking women and children into sex slavery. Criminals from other nations and mentally ill illegals are flooding across our borders and terrorizing our local communities literally raping and pillaging on our streets. State and local law enforcement officers are prevented from doing anything about it due to federal judges who twist the definition of our laws to suit their Democrat allies and 'sanctuary' policies. Inner city gangs are taking over whole blocks of territory due to 'defund the police' policies that reduce the number of cops on the street. Responsible adults are left with no choice but to purchase weapons to defend themselves and their families.

Now we, the voters, must decide if we want to continue on the path that Democrats like Kamala have created today where families can't afford the basics, jobs are being taken up by illegals, tax resources and benefits are in short supply, and law & order is nowhere to be found. Or do we prefer a more prosperous future where our laws are respected, our allies can count on us to bring stability around the globe, and economic policies help raise wages and lower expenses again? Choose to stop participating in the hatred coming from Democrats and make smarter choices at the ballot box starting on October 22nd.

There are 3 Comments

You make it sound like the Kamala Harris show – but there is so much more! Not so long ago it was “Biden-Harris” and now the news making ticket is “Harrris-Walz” but in Wisconsin it could be “Biden-Harris-Baldwin” or even “Harris-Walz-Baldwin”. Those are the marquee names. We could throw Governor Evers in there too even if he is not on the ballot this year. Remember the 4x8 campaign signs from 2022 about Biden and Evers and Inflation?

But the list goes much farther. With Sleepy Joe no longer participating actively in the daily affairs of the country, who is leading the nation? What has Baldwin accomplished in her quarter century in Congress? Look behind the sweet innocent face of the 3rd District Democratic challenger for Congress and might as well include her too. And, as the writer so accurately pointed out in the first sentence, don’t overlook the news media and the Democratic Party.

Back to Kamala, even Senator Bernie Sanders has said that Kamala is saying whatever she must to get elected but has not changed from her fundamental far-left values. And, did you watch the “debate”? One of the better reports is published by The Washington Stand” and is titled “The 10 Kamala Harris Lies Moderators Let Slide at th ABC News Debate”: https://washingtonstand.com/news/the-10-kamala-harris-lies-moderators-le...

In the fall election study the candidates, dig deep and look at the big picture, get smart, be patriotic, and vote for the candidates that will work to save our country! Look beyond the marquee names down ballot to the State Legislature and county contests. In most (maybe all) cases, the choice is clear! And yes, it is a partisan issue as the Democrats just don’t get it!

Another extremely important proposal from CommieLa is a tax on UNREALIZED GAINS. Are you kidding me? This is a game changer and completed dis-qualifier.

What is it? Add up the value of all you own and send 25% to the gov't every year; not a tax on the gain after you sell it, the value of it though you have not sold it. Do you have 25% of what you own in liquid cash to pay that tax? Will you have it next year and the year after and every year after? What would you have to sell to get the cash to pay the tax? Who will buy it when they are in the same boat? So what happens to the value of something no one will buy but is still assessed at a previous value before the tax was adopted?

For those of you wondering what this election is about, I have a quote from history. "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have."

So please vote for constitutional values to sustain this great America we know.

And to offer a bit more to Tom's perspective. When you crush the incentive of free enterprise, by taxing their hard work and ingenuity, you crush all those who will or would have worked for them earning great incomes in the following months and years. Please don't kill the Golden Goose out of ignorance, jealousy, or stupidity.

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