It is time for a change in Madison

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It is time for a change in Madison

August 31, 2024 - 09:04
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To quote Representative Steve Doyle, he says that for far too long the politicians in Madison have created gridlock and refused to talk with each other. What Mr Doyle fails to mention is that he has been part of that problem in Madison since 2011. Mr Doyle also says he is bipartisan, to the extent he calls himself “Mr Bipartisan”. He is correct that he is bipartisan, I cannot argue about that one bit. He is so bipartisan that he will even vote two ways on the same bill. A few years back he voted with his Republican colleagues to pass a bill to bring Wisconsin’s standards on nursing in line with our neighboring states only to then vote with the Democrat governor who vetoed that bill when it was presented for a veto override. Now that truly is bipartisan, so much so that it contributed to the very partisan gridlock our assemblyman rails against.

YES, IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE and let’s take Mr Doyle up on that statement.

Ryan Huebsch is the change he is asking for. Ryan sees what is going on in Madison and will put our district over partisan politics. Ryan will not cower to partisan politics when it comes to what is best for the 94th district. Let’s give Rep Doyle what he is asking for…… Change!

There are 2 Comments

Willingly agree than change in Madison is needed starting with the 94th Assembly District but don't forget the 95th Assembly and the 32nd Senate Districts.
In the 95th the incumbent has represented (only) the City of La Crosse for a decade or more but with the current legislative district maps drawn by Gov. Evers, the 95th has changed dramatically. It will be better represented by the challenger, the current Monroe County Board Chairman Cedric Schnitzler. In the 32nd Senate District the incumbent is a long-term political operative and government bureaucrat who should also be replaced, The Challenger Stacey Klein, a financial advisor and Trempealeau County Board member, is a much better choice.
Sending Ryan Huebsch, Cedric Schnitler, and Stacey Klein to Madison will be beneficial for the Coulee Region and the State of Wisconsin! Individually and together, they will represent the patriotic citizens of Western Wisconsin and not the entrenched Madison mafia.

Yes, this is the first wisdom to come from Doyle that I can remember, I think he is on to something! Yes, Steve, it is time for a change, and long overdue!

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