Wisconsin Supreme Court May Reconsider Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

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Wisconsin Supreme Court May Reconsider Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes

May 11, 2024 - 15:36
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A little over a year ago, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that drop boxes for absentee ballots were illegal based on state law. However, Democrats have recently asked the high court to reconsider that decision. Attorney General Josh Kaul filed a brief in this case arguing the law allows drop boxes because in 2021, 570 drop boxes were placed across 66 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties and the share of Wisconsin voters casting an absentee ballot increased significantly.

The reconsideration of this Supreme Court decision is totally political. It’s all about taking advantage of the now-liberal majority. Just because hundreds of drop boxes were implemented in 2021 doesn’t make drop boxes safe, secure, or, more importantly, legal. The court had no business accepting this case.

Read more HERE.

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We know that some will lie, cheat, and steal when they can, we need to limit the ease that allows them to succeed. We put safety seals on foods and medications to prevent tampering, so why not do the same for our precious votes?

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