What is the base budget?

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What is the base budget?

March 01, 2025 - 11:12
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The State Capitol has been a busy place lately. The revolving door in my office never stops turning. Every day I meet with constituents, stakeholders, and interest groups about their priorities for the legislative session. These meetings are largely focused on the budget and are requests to spend your tax dollars on their preferred proposals.

In addition, some of these groups have been coming in asking for a policy change that is in the Governor’s proposed budget. I have to share with them that we are taking all policy out of the proposed budget and planning to start from base budget just as we have done in the past.

What is the base budget? Base budget is the state’s current and ongoing spending plan. This includes funding for our current level of operations and obligations. This spending plan is well vetted and sustainable. Our base budget has worked well and contributed to Wisconsin’s strong financial position.

The Legislature will start building the state budget from base. We will make tweaks and adjustments where they are needed. We will cut unnecessary positions and bloat rather than add excess government jobs. Our focus will be on restraint and responsible budgeting rather than creating a deficit out of a $4.3 billion surplus. Many ideas sound good in isolation, but we will be considering everything collectively as we work to write the budget.

Over the next couple months as the Legislature builds the state budget, you may hear organizations, interest groups, agencies, or the Governor say that the Legislature is “cutting” their favorite program out of the proposed budget. This is not the case. The Governor’s proposal is a list of ideas. Some of them I agree with and some I do not. Since we are starting from base budget, we are considering all new spending, programs, and ideas on their merits. Some ideas in the Governor’s proposal will likely be in the legislature’s budget. The policy items will not.

Going forward, the Joint Committee on Finance will hold public hearings across the state. We will talk with our constituents when we see them in our districts. We will meet with stakeholders and other legislators. We will explore every angle as we write the state budget, working from base.

If you have something you think should be added to our base budget, please make sure to send me your idea or share it with me. As always, if you need assistance with any state-related matters, please call my team at the State Capitol – 608-266-0703 – or email me – Sen.Marklein@legis.wisconsin.gov. My team is ready and willing to help navigate your state government, clear obstacles, and receive your input.

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