We Must Restore Order at the Southern Border

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We Must Restore Order at the Southern Border

July 13, 2024 - 08:03
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To no surprise, President Biden continues to let illegal aliens into the U.S. by refusing to secure our southern border. U.S Customs and Border Protection documented that there were 170,723 illegal alien encounters at the southern border in May, making it the 39th straight month of illegal alien encounters, higher than any month under the previous administration.

Despite this historic border crisis, President Biden recently announced an executive order that will grant mass amnesty to over 500,000 illegal aliens residing in the United States. This not only threatens Americans’ safety, but also discounts those who have immigrated to the U.S. legally.

The results of Biden’s made and manufactured border crisis since he took office:

  • Over 9.6 million illegal alien encounters nationwide
  • More than 7.9 million illegal alien encounters at our Southern Border
  • 1.8 million known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol
  • 31,309 Communist Chinese nationals encountered at the southwest border in FY24

I’ve said it before: border security is national security. That is why House Republicans worked together to pass H.R. 2, the Secure The Border Act of 2023. This bill is the most comprehensive border security bill in history and is the best way to put an end to President Biden’s open-border agenda.

More about the Secure the Border Act of 2023:

  • Forces the Biden Administration to restart construction of the border wall
  • Deploys technology to the Southern and Northern Border
  • Increases the number of Border Patrol agents and provides bonus pay
  • Requires transparency regarding illegal crossings from the Department of Homeland Security
  • Strengthens current law to protect unaccompanied children from human trafficking.
  • Ends catch and release
  • Ends abuse of executive immigration authority
  • Strengthens and streamlines the asylum process

I’m committed to securing our borders and keeping Americans safe. In Congress, I will continue my work to hold the Biden administration accountable for the illegal alien crisis they created and return order to our southern border.

There is 1 Comment

Biden's actions on the Border are a vicious act and a terrorist attack on America. We are being invaded, in slow motion, we need to stop it.

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