Our Money in Washington

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Our Money in Washington

March 01, 2025 - 11:32
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With all the news of the DOGE findings and other incentives to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse in the federal government – in Washington, D.C. and all across the country – “they” must remember that the money involved belongs to “we the people” meaning you and me. Much of the entrenched government bureaucracy and even many elected Democrats may try to tell you differently!

Have you listened to the news lately? President Trump was blamed by some for the inflation in January, although he was only in office for one-third of the month! The high price of eggs has been likewise blamed on President Trump; but when did this economic crises begin? Others brag about the low inflation rates and want to give the credit to former President Biden; but they fail to comprehend the current “low” inflation rate is on top of the 20%-plus inflation from the Biden years. (Inflation compounds!)

There are two significant questions for you to consider about our money.

First, Mr. Musk and DOGE have led to billions – or maybe trillions – in savings due to finding fraud, waste, and abuse of government funds. The obvious question is “Where is that money now?” followed by “What will happen to it?” Some may want a refund check for the taxpayers. A better idea may be payment on the federal debt.

The second significant question concerns the 2017 Trump Tax Cut which is set to expire at the end of this year. With the efforts of Mr. Musk and DOGE, the federal government doesn’t need more money. Given the fraud, waste, and abuse being uncovered on almost a daily basis, the government needs less money and can still make payments on the federal debt. Extending this tax cut will make a significant difference in all taxpayers’ pockets!

One very reliable, and encouraging, source of information on extending the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts is the Americans for Prosperity (AFP) organization AFP reminds us that we are talking about our money, not Washington’s. AFP pointed out that the Trump Tax Cuts of 2017 led to an economic boom that featured job growth, wage growth, and low inflation. AFP further points out that making the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts permanent will help Mom and Pop businesses thrive and then reminds all of us that taxes don’t cause deficits, but excessive spending does!

There are two sources for additional information about AFP; check out the organization at their website at americansforprosperty.org. For more information about extending the 2017 Trump Tax go to http://www.protectprosperity.com. After you get more informed, the next step is take action by communicating with your federal legislators. Let Senators Johnson and Baldwin as well as Representative Van Orden know your concerns about your (tax) money. This is a two part concern including what to do with the savings from the fraud, waste, and abuse being uncovered as well as the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts being extended or made permanent. Don’t stop there – let family and friends know too and then encourage them to communicate with Sen Johnson, Sen Baldwin, and Rep Van Orden!

There is 1 Comment

This is wonderful! But this is not going to be easy for a few reasons. The big reason is that so many people work directly or indirectly for the federal government, and that leads to a lot of whining. And the media listens loud and clear!

When I was on the Trempealeau County Board, a few of us noticed that the county departments had only spent a small fraction of their budgets halfway through the year, and we decided to watch carefully to see why and how that turned out. In early fall, we took a second close look and noticed that only 30 percent of the budget had been spent, so we tried to have each department make a full accounting of their spending for the rest of the year. The full county board would not go along with our demand for a full list of their budget spending as the rest of the year progressed. So, the finance committee made it well known that we would be watching each department's spending the rest of the year.

Amazing as it might seem, they all came in at the end of the year way under budget. So research showed us that most admitted that they spent out their budget because if they did not, they would not receive the full budget amount the next year! That is one big reason that the government grows like cancer!

It is also so easy to spend other people's money. We had one more issue come up. We, as a county board, were offered grant money to buy an expensive flood warning system to help warn us when the country, mainly the City of Arcadia, was going to get flood water. I said, let's put the money into flood control, as the warning system would only help us learn that water was on its way. I said we had modern communications and did not need an archaic system to tell us the the Northern part of the county got 6 inches of rain, we have Country officers and citizens that can tell us that. There were only two people on the board that voted against this. The main reason here is that we were told that if we did not use this money, someone else would. That mentality caused us to waste a huge amount of money with very limited benefit.

There is simply no benefit in government to be efficient. I hate to say this, but I could keep listing things for many pages.
Webster's second issue is extending the Tax Cuts. History has shown that tax money in the hands of the people comes back to benefit society and the revenue stream far more than when the government spends it.

This article is one more great gift from Webster!

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