Open Letter to La Crosse County Board of Supervisors

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Open Letter to La Crosse County Board of Supervisors

August 06, 2024 - 20:15
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Following is the letter I just sent to Please send one of your own because if they do not receive hundreds of emails then they will use your silence as permission to do great harm to our region.

I read through the La Crosse County Strategic Plan and was amazed at how many of the ideas found within it were outside of the proper scope of local government. It is as if the county government is deliberately trying to take over every aspect of our lives instead of simply focusing on their proper role: Roads, Safety, Infrastructure. When I ran for County Board my main message was that our local governments needed to establish smarter priorities focused within their proper role. Doing so would provide the people and small businesses with the liberty to solve the rest.

If local governments were to show some self-discipline and common sense, they could reduce the cost of government, pay off their debts quicker, and maybe, just maybe, return some of the hard earned wages that were confiscated from taxpayers. In addition, any gaps not filled by the government would be solved by clever entrepreneurs who could grow businesses around their solutions and expand the tax base.

Most egregious of all is the county’s plan to significantly divide our people and carve up our culture into “oppressors and oppressed.” Their Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, Belonging efforts will do nothing more than generate animosity among our citizens based solely on our differences when we should be uniting around our shared traditions and principles. It sickens me to see the so-called ‘non-partisan’ County Board Supervisors pushing for one of the most partisan issues of our time.

At their next meeting, I urge the La Crosse County Board of Supervisors to eliminate the divisive and harmful DIEB proposals from the strategic plan and get back to focusing on the issues that we can all get behind such as better roads, safer communities, and rolling out rural Internet and other improvements to infrastructure.


Christopher J. Muller

There are 4 Comments

Oh, I see there are some complaints, but I will tell you with total certainty that these people are fully protected by redundant laws and declarations. We have document after document that protects their rights, over and over again. I know because I have all those rights! Oh, I guess there might be some out there who don't like me, that is ok, the government can't make them like me. I do have some strange quirks and unusual interests, but I deal with it, I don't go asking for special treatment and don't fly my flag at the State Capitol.

I just go on living my life, and don't seek your attention and your money and special treatment!

OK so now, I will tell you that I resent all the press you force America's innocent children who are struggling to understand life and what is normal, These people might not know it, (but likely do) They are confusing our young people and are very selfish and destructive.

Dear La Crosse County Board of Supervisors,

Please remove DIEB from your vernacular and put the money towards the roads in La Crosse County.


Tom Sweeney
City of La Crosse

Remove DIEB from your agenda. There are other things to consider like keeping drugs on the street out of LaCrosse. If everyone stayed on track to do the regular government projects , we would grow as a community. We do not need to spend large blocks of time on racism as then you make it into a bigger problem than it is. Respectfully, ARLA Clemons. LaCrosse

To the County Board Supervisor’s

We need to stop this DEIB brainwashing being done by the Democratic Party and all the businesses pushing this ideology along with black rock having control to make business get a credit score to push this agenda or they can’t compete in business. This is all wrong and should be stoped immediately in my opinion. All this does is create division and just instills the victim mentality. We all need to be kind to others that’s pretty much common sense. We also have the right to agree to disagree no matter what that seems to be gone today. With that said no matter what skin color or gender we are or now identify as we have the same ability to better ourselves. This victim mentally just allows people to feel lesser and is where this DEIB comes from. We all have our challenges in our lives and some may have more but to overcome those challenges on your own and being able to do this is very empowering. This is what we should be talking about and helping people to see this and to help themselves. We need to stop cuddling people and allow people to see and find the answers for what’s right for them and allow them to see success they can accomplish on their own. So this is why we need to end this DEIB agenda.

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