How $1.83 Can Affect the Future of Wisconsin

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How $1.83 Can Affect the Future of Wisconsin

March 01, 2025 - 10:25
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The future of school choice, abortion, Act 10, and parental rights in Wisconsin could come down to a single election taking place on April 1, 2025. Along with choosing the next Superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Wisconsin voters will select a replacement for retiring liberal justice Ann Walsh Bradley. The election will be between Dane County Circuit Court Judge Susan Crawford and Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Brad Schimel.

In 2023, liberals took control of the state Supreme Court, which has allowed the Left to radically change the political landscape of our state through new legislative maps, striking down pro-life laws, and a host of other issues that harm Wisconsin families. This race will be the last opportunity conservatives have to flip the Supreme Court back to conservative control until 2028. That’s why Wisconsin Family Action and Wisconsin Family Council are engaged in several Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts to ensure conservative Brad Schimel is elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court on April 1.

Wisconsin Family Council is engaged in several GOTV efforts, such as a prayer breakfast for the election at Dayspring Church in Waukesha this Saturday, March 1. You can sign up HERE. WFC hired 13 part-time staffers who will call every evangelical church in Wisconsin to equip their church to engage in the election as part of our “Honor God With Your Vote” initiative.

WFC will also host a candidate forum between Susan Crawford and Brad Schimel at the Christian Home Educators of Wisconsin convention, taking place on March 20 and 21. At the convention, WFC will participate in multiple breakout groups, focusing on the importance of Christians engaging in the election.

Wisconsin Family Action is equipping our internal audience through an email and text campaign as well as a social media blitz to inform our donors and friends about the details of the election and energize them to spread the word in their social circles.

Thanks to a generous donor, WFA is also conducting a massive blitz campaign to target low-propensity, high-affinity voters – meaning voters who are historically unlikely to make it to the polls, but when they do, they vote in alignment with our views. This method is extremely effective because the hard work of convincing voters to choose a certain candidate is unnecessary – we just have to inform them about the election and push them to get to the polls. This campaign will target over 150,000 voters statewide to help drive conservative turnout by 12,600 votes. With every $1.83, we can reach a new voter with the hopes of getting them out to vote.

Our goal is to reach 623,783 total voters through these initiatives to drive out an extra 52,398 votes for conservative Brad Schimel.

The last conservative candidate to win a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court secured his victory with less than 6,000 votes. If this election is as close as last time, the race could very well come down to this project.

These initiatives are a massive undertaking, requiring significant funding and manpower. We need your help to not only engage with the initiatives but to help us continue funding them. Please consider making a contribution to help us see Brad Schimel to victory. Every $1.83 makes a difference! This election could come down to just a few thousand votes.

We say it every election, but it’s especially true for this one – your vote matters, and your vote makes a difference. Please make a plan to vote on April 1 and encourage your friends and family to do so as well. If you’ll be out of town or simply don’t want to risk not being able to make it to the polls, visit to request an absentee ballot. Voting absentee only takes a few minutes of your time! Please spread the word about the importance of this election.

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