Explaining the August 13th Referenda Questions

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Explaining the August 13th Referenda Questions

August 04, 2024 - 11:48
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As we get closer to the August 13th primary, we wanted to bring your attention to two binding referenda that will be on your ballot. These referenda will amend our state constitution if they pass with a simple majority vote. The state legislature has already passed them twice—in two consecutive legislative sessions. Now “we the people” have the chance to make our voices heard at the ballot box. Remember: the process for amending the state constitution completely bypasses the veto pen of the governor. It’s the legislature and the people who get to decide if our Wisconsin constitution is amended. Here are the two questions, as they will appear on your ballot:

Question 1: “Delegation of appropriation power. Shall section 35 (1) of article IV of the constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?”

Question 2: “Allocation of federal moneys. Shall section 35 (2) of article IV of the constitution be created to prohibit the governor from allocating any federal moneys the governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?”

Click HERE for an analysis of these referenda questions so you can cast informed votes on August 13th!

There is 1 Comment

We don't have a King, and this should not even be necessary, but it is!

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