Did you watch President Trump's address to Congress?
Did you watch President Trump's address to Congress? I certainly did. Did you notice how the chamber was split down the middle and on one side were Republicans and and on the other were Democrats? Can they even be called Democrats anymore? Certainly, you could agree that their new agenda appears different from what it was in former decades. Who has led them to this point, inspired by such hatred, that no matter the issue or cause, in lock step, they refuse to celebrate a 13-year-old boy with brain cancer being presented with the gift of becoming an honorary officer of the law.
Not a very inspiring look, Democrats, just saying! Who could possibly find fault in making America great again? I mean you really have to have your mind twisted to want it all to topple over into oblivion.
Here's the reality, spelled out in its simplest terms, Donald J. Trump is the President of The United States of America, and the Republicans hold a simple majority in both the house and the Senate.
There's been a people's mandate, legally obtained, proving this to be true. He also won all the swing states. That's an example of democracy that I can understand. The first amendment allows all and everyone in America to express themselves. I expressed my opinion about the former administrations character defects and shortcomings almost monthly in this forum. All that needs to be said now is, it's our turn. I'm confident and optimistic my life will be better four years from now, compared to the previous. If yours isn't, well, maybe you should look at yourself in the mirror. Point a finger at who you see and blame yourself for your misfortunes. That's reality.
Thank you for taking the time to read today.
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