Democrats History of Disenfranchising Voters

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Democrats History of Disenfranchising Voters

July 20, 2024 - 12:55
Posted in:

In May of 2014, at the beginning of the 2014-2016 La Crosse County board term, Democrats Tara Johnson and Steve Doyle took measures to disenfranchise 4000 residents in La Crosse and dictated who would represent District 9 on La Crosse County Board rather than allowing people to vote.

Again, in November of 2017, Democrat Tara Johnson came before the La Crosse County Board intending to dictate who the next County Treasure would be rather than allowing county residents to vote. Thankfully, she was overruled.

Now, in 2024, the elite Democrats are undermining the voters again and planning the replacement of President Joe Biden (who received 14 million primary votes) with the elite’s handpicked candidate.

Democrats have been limiting individual’s choices at the ballot box all the way back to the "Jim Crow" days; almost 150 years. The elites in the Democratic party, overruling 14 million people and dictating who can/should appear on the presidential ballot this November is disgraceful.

There is 1 Comment

Why did Biden, with total democrat support extort money from productive hard hard-working people and give it to unproductive people who agreed to pay their college loans, but did not?

Over the years, I have observed that some Democrats follow their leaders when they think they can get something from the government. I love free things, but as Milton Friedman states, “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” The great John F. Kennedy told America that they needed to ask what they could do for America, not the other way around.

I have talked to so many people who voted Democrat and wanted the best for America but somehow have not seen that the direction of America is not sustainable with so-called progressive goals.

Thanks for a great letter, as you know someone needs to speak up!

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