Chris Kahlow for Mayor

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Chris Kahlow for Mayor

March 11, 2025 - 21:24
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I attended the Mayoral Forum hosted by the local apartment owners association on Monday evening at the Moose Lodge. I did not vote for either of the two remaining candidates from the Primary so I wanted to hear from them on this evening.

I found Chris Kahlow to be well informed and ready to take the mantle of Mayor in La Crosse. She is well spoken, as is her opponent; however, she had more coherent answers to specific questions while I found too many of her opponent's answers to be lacking in specifics and relying on regurgitated platitudes we all hear from candidates during campaign seasons. Though her opponent did have some knowledge on certain things, Ms. Kahlow matched that knowledge and she has more knowledge and experience on most of the issues addressed. Chris is a multiple decades resident of La Crosse; her opponent hales from Milwaukee and has nowhere near that amount of time living here.

It is for these reasons I am asking the voters of La Crosse to vote for Chris Kahlow for Mayor. Absentee Ballots were mailed out on Tuesday, March 11th which means voting has already begun.

On another note, I found the turnout for the Primary in our area to be embarrassing. Early voting begins on March 18th with the election on April 1st. Please make a plan to vote and vote.

Tom Sweeney is a former two-term member of the La Crosse Common Council

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