Brittany Kinser wants kids proficient in reading, writing, math and science
Finally!!! Finally, we have a candidate who is running to become the next Superintendent of Public Instruction here in Wisconsin who is interested in learning. Brittany Kinser wants kids to be able to be proficient in reading, writing, math and science. She believes that our children should have the basic tools to become productive citizens when they graduate from high school.
Right now, our public schools are failing our kids when only 31% of students can read at grade level. Milwaukee Public Schools rank last in the entire nation for Fourth Grade Reading. Yes, you read that right – dead last. MPS has other problems in that they cannot complete a simple financial audit; enrollment has declined 32% over the last twenty years; and they spent more than $18K per student prior to the $252M school referendum recently passed. It would be nice to know where all the money is going and why the current SDPI, Jill Underly, is not doing anything to address these problems. Results matter – excuses are DOA.
Brittany Kinser is a former special education teacher and an award-winning elementary school principal. She believes Wisconsin must prioritize reading, writing, math, and science to provide the foundation for meaningful careers and a bright future.
Brittany believes in School Choice. Choice schools continue to outperform standard public schools. Parents and students deserve a choice. She also recently expressed support for keeping ACT-10 which has saved school districts as much as $31B since 2012. My Royall School District property taxes doubled in 2024 with a double hit of new construction bond and operating referendum. When was the last time you remember teachers going on strike in Wisconsin?
Brittany is in this race to help Wisconsin kids. She believes parents must be involved in their children’s education. She is the only candidate dedicated to restoring high standards for Wisconsin students. She wants to “ensure every child in our state has the opportunity to go to college, get a meaningful job, or master a trade.”
Choose Wisely!!! Vote for Brittany Kinser on FEB 18 and again on APR 1. Please share with your family and friends -- our kids deserve better schools.
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