

CouleeConservatives 2023 Survey

Let me begin by expressing my humble gratitude to those who attended the 6th Annual Coulee Conservatives Night with the Loggers.

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Lessons from Learning to Play Guitar after 50

Seven months ago, right around the time I turned 51, as I contemplated that our 25th wedding anniversary was coming in 2023, I got the hair-brained idea to learn how to play the song we danced to at our wedding.

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Evers Vetoes Historic Tax Cut

This week, Governor Evers used his line-item veto to strike $3.34 billion in income tax cuts for residents and small businesses from the state budget.

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Florida Is Successful Because We Reject Bidenomics

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President Biden is the center of the Hunter probe

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Love it!

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Budget Spotlight: Agriculture, Roads, & Conservation

Agriculture contributes nearly $105 billion annually to Wisconsin’s economy and provides jobs for more than 435,000 people.

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Tom Tiffany for US Senate?

You would be blind not to see that the 2024 campaign season has begun. It probably began before the 2022 election was anywhere near over, but that is a topic for another time.

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