

The Day that Changed Everything

20-years ago today.

Most people reading this probably don't even remember what life was like before 9/11/2001. I know it is hard to believe how dramatically our lives have changed since that day of infamy.

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Remembering 9/11

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. There is no question that it was one of the darkest days in American history.

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Joe Biden's Jaw Dropping Failures

Every American president enters office facing certain realities and enormous responsibilities. The job is to acknowledge the realities and accept the responsibility of trying to improve the situation.

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Local Dems Rig Redistricting

The message from local Democrats conducting County Board redistricting seems to be do as I say not as I do. In April of 2019 local Dems who control the La Crosse County Board voted to place a non-binding referendum on the ballot.

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Justice for Unborn Americans!

The highest court in the land, made a determination on the Constitutionality of a Texas abortion law. No, they did not make a decision, they made a determination.

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Abandoning Americans and Allies is NOT "an extraordinary success" Mr. Biden!

President Biden declared this week’s chaotic evacuation effort from Afghanistan that ended Monday afternoon – leaving hundreds and perhaps thousands of Americans behind – “an extraordinary success”.

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Remember the Fallen

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Election Integrity

This past weekend, it was an honor to be invited to travel by private plane with President Trump and top staff to attend his rally in Alabama.

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