

Convention of States Public Hearing in Madison

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Honoring First Responders

It was simply incredible to have the "First Responders of the Year" from nearly every Assembly District in our chambers on Thursday.

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Divorced Today; Remarried Tomorrow

For forty or more years the State of Wisconsin has had a “no-fault” divorce system which for all practical purposes became a “no-contest” system as well. This involved changing from the traditional divorce system involving fault and contest.

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Being “Against” after being “For”; or being “For” after being “Against”

Remember a dozen or more years ago when a Democrat candidate for President flip-flopped on a crucial issue of the day and was accused of “being against right before he was for it”. Or, maybe it was he was “for it right before he was against it”.

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The $15 Minimum Wage; A Defiance of Basic Economics

Recent calls for a $15 federal minimum wage hike have been emboldened as National House Democrats pass the “Raise the Wage Act” which would gradually raise the federal minimum wage to $15 by the year 2025.

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Republicans Cut Taxes $13 Billion Since 2011

A new memo from the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau reveals Republicans cut taxes by more than $13 billion since 2011.

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Extreme Risk Protection Order is Extreme Violation of Civil Rights

The first paragraph in the Democrat's new proposed bill known as an Extreme Risk Protection Order otherwise

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Sensible Solutions versus the Leftist Agenda

I wanted to make sure you saw the statement that Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald and I put out in response to Governor Evers and legislative Democrats' press conference on anti-gun legislation.

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