Wisconsin State Senate Attempts Veto Override

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Wisconsin State Senate Attempts Veto Override

May 19, 2024 - 17:38
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Wisconsin’s state Senate met this week to attempt to override up to 36 of Governor Evers’ vetoes of bills passed by Republicans during the last legislative session, including three bills that would have created a framework to spend $125 million to combat PFAS pollution, allot $15 million to Chippewa Valley hospitals, and require post-election audits – all of which Democrats fiercely opposed.

Three dozen bills were scheduled for potential veto override attempts, but only nine were officially taken up. All nine gained the supermajority required to override the governor’s vetoes in the Senate. However, these bills also need to be voted on in the Assembly, and unfortunately Republicans are two votes shorts and are expected to fail the 64-35 (two thirds) requirement needed to override the gubernatorial veto.

Ultimately, this special session was a valiant effort to stand up to the rampant vetoes issued by the governor in the legislative session, which unreasonably restricted the authority and purpose of the legislature and the individuals elected to represent their constituents’ interests. Wisconsinites deserve better.

Read more HERE.

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