Two-Faced Rebecca Crook strikes again

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Two-Faced Rebecca Crook strikes again

October 25, 2024 - 08:37
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Like so many Democrats in Washington, they like to say one thing in their districts or while they run for re-election and do something completely different once they get to Congress.

Now their handpicked candidate, Rebecca Crook, is taking a page from their playbook. Crook is caught downplaying her positions on the issues in a new story from The National Review Online.

From The National Review:

“In the first of two recordings, she was asked during a campaign meet-and-greet on February 13 whether she would support an assault-weapons ban.”

“‘I do. Yeah,' she replied, according to an audio recording of the event.


“‘But AR-15s have no place at a deer camp, and I support the ban of AR-15s,‘ she said. ‘I support common-sense gun laws like universal background checks and enforcing universal background checks. And most gun owners that you talk to throughout Wisconsin feel the same way.’

“She added that she wants to enforce red-flag laws, which typically trigger the temporary confiscation of firearms when an individual is deemed a threat to himself or others.”

It’s a far cry from the positions Crook has told Third District voters she supports. As NRO notes, Crook is “taking an even stricter stance on gun reform than is laid out in her biography on the website of the pro-gun control group Giffords.”

REMEMBER: This isn’t the first time Crook has offered voters a narrative different from reality. While Crook claims to be a waitress new to politics, she’s a deeply entrenched Democrat operative who fundraises for Democrats from California to Washington.

BOTTOM LINE: Rebecca Crook is proving to be nothing more than a two-faced political operative who will say or do anything to get elected. Thankfully, Wisconsin voters in the Third Congressional have a straight shooter in Congressman Derrick Van Orden who will always be honest with them.

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