The State Budget’s Next Steps

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The State Budget’s Next Steps

February 22, 2025 - 08:30
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On Tuesday, February 18th, the Governor delivered his budget address.

The proposed budget spends $118.9 billion over two years, a 20% increase over the last budget. It adds 880 new positions to state government and raises taxes by $2.3 billion during the two-year biennium. The proposed budget is a total of 1,917 pages long, a stark contrast to our 183-page budget from last session.

The Governor’s budget is full of policy proposals. Many of these policies are things he has proposed in past budgets, such as legalizing marijuana. Some of the policies the Governor included in his proposed budget I have supported in the past, such as truth in labeling for milk and dairy products.

This proposed budget is a list of ideas. It is not the final state budget. The legislature will now work to write the final state budget.

We have been here before. Since I have been in the legislature, our hard work, years of careful budgeting, and fiscal prudence have put Wisconsin in a strong financial position. As with past budgets, the legislature will write the state budget starting from the base budget. This means we will remove all non-fiscal policy and use the last budget’s spending amounts as the starting point for this budget. From there, we will determine where we need to make additional investments, adjustments, or create new programs. A wish list approach of policies does not lead to a balanced budget.

The legislature’s budget will be skinny. It will not include any non-fiscal policy. It will be focused on funding our priorities and addressing our obligations. Everything in it will be fully vetted by a committee of legislators from across the state who come from diverse backgrounds and represent diverse communities.

The items in the Governor’s proposed budget will be considered on their merits. In addition to considering the Governor’s ideas, the legislature will spend the next few months listening and collecting information. We will hold a series of public hearings where we hear from people across the state. My colleagues and I have been talking with our constituents, meeting with stakeholders, and hearing from Democrat and Republican legislators about their priorities. We will continue to listen to constituents and stakeholders throughout the whole process as we craft a responsible state budget.

We will write the budget with a cautious approach. Much of the state’s surplus is made up of one-time money. We will commit that one-time money to one-time costs such as paying down our debt and funding infrastructure with cash rather than by borrowing. Much of our structural surplus is already committed to higher than expected cost-to-continue programs such as health care. We will write a budget that is realistic based on our future revenue projections and will be able to withstand future economic changes.

The Governor’s budget is not the final state budget. It is a list of ideas. If you like something in his budget, let me know. If you do not like something in his budget, let me know.

The legislature will work to write the state budget with input from you. We may not be able to do everything you want, but we will fund Wisconsin’s priorities and address our obligations. Above all I will protect the state’s checkbook and ensure your tax dollars are spent wisely.

As always, if you need assistance with any state-related matters, please call my team at the State Capitol – 608-266-0703 – or email me – My team is ready, and willing, to help navigate your state government, clear obstacles, and receive your input.

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