Rising Medicaid Costs
I attended a press conference to discuss the Rising Medicaid Costs hosted by the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty.
Wisconsin has made the right decision by not expanding Medicaid. We took a unique approach by ensuring we will have no coverage gap in our state. Right now, if you are at the federal poverty line or below it, you are automatically covered by BadgerCare or Medicaid. If you are low-income but above the federal poverty line, you can find a subsidized health plan on the federal exchange. Our approach has resulted in Wisconsin having one of the lowest number of uninsured citizens in the country.
Click HERE to see the press conference - NOTE: wiseye.org had a few technical glitches at the start but they get resolved in the first few minutes of the recording.
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These facts have been constantly distorted.
And it is either intentional or ignorance, and likely both.
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