Responding to Doyle’s Negative Ads Statement

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Responding to Doyle’s Negative Ads Statement

October 21, 2024 - 06:18
Posted in:

It has come to my attention that my opponent, Steve Doyle, is bringing attention to the negative ads being run against me in the final days of the campaign. Apparently, attacking social media posts made by teenagers are now fair game among the Doyle camp.

While he claims to not approve of these ads, he will do nothing to stop the historic amount of money being spent to run them, since they are mainly being paid for by wealthy special interest groups that have publicly endorsed him in this election.

We do not have the vast war chest Steve Doyle and his supporters have, so I have responded to the attack on my website, and on my Huebsch for Assembly Facebook page.

While I am certainly concerned about the serious violations Steve Doyle is accused of in a formal ethics complaint recently posted on and, I will let the Wisconsin Ethics Commission conduct their investigation of Representative Doyle and continue to focus on the need for strong, fresh leadership in the Coulee Region.

My campaign has brought attention to my opponent’s voting record. Steve Doyle calls that ‘negative campaigning.’ If I had Doyle’s record, I would think telling the voters about it would be negative, too. But the public record shows he voted against tax cuts for working families and seniors, against banning non-citizens from voting in Wisconsin, against funding our public schools, against a clean water fund to help clean up our PFAS problem and against returning a record budget surplus back to the taxpayers who earned it, instead leaving billions of our tax dollars sitting in Madison.

In addition, Doyle voted in favor of allowing boys and men to compete in girl’s and women’s sports and allowing gender reassignment surgery and dangerous puberty blocking drugs to be used on our children. Doyle’s public voting record should concern us all. If my opponent did not want those votes pointed out to his constituents, he shouldn’t have taken them.

Steve Doyle likes to claim he is bipartisan. But he has always believed being bipartisan is simply a scoreboard where you put your name on other legislators’ bills to take credit, rather than doing the hard work to solve problems like those he voted against. None of this is negative campaigning. It’s a sad public record.

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