Explaining the Voter ID Constitutional Amendment

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Explaining the Voter ID Constitutional Amendment

March 22, 2025 - 14:40
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Did you know we have a referendum question on your Spring Election ballot? Most people don’t. The problem with referendum questions is that they are written in legalize and often hard to understand. State Senator Howard Marklein recently sent out an E-Update that clarifies this question.

Click here to read SEN Marklein's E-Update

I was astonished when I was researching online, how many leftist groups were advocating eliminating Voter ID and how few Conservatives were even talking about the referendum. It is almost like the referendum is lost in space.

The ballot referendum question asks, “if we should enshrine Wisconsin’s current voter ID laws, which require voters to show a valid photo ID before voting, into our state Constitution.” The answer is YES. Wisconsin’s voter ID law went into effect in 2012. Recent polling shows 77% of Wisconsinites support requiring ID to vote. A small minority, including Supreme Court candidate Susan Crawford, aim to strike down Voter ID if elected. Our Voter ID law was enacted as an election integrity measure. The Voter ID referendum brings this question to “We the People” to decide.

The following is from SEN Marklein’s E-Update:

Official Question: “Photographic identification for voting. Shall section 1m of article III of the constitution be created to require that voters present valid photographic identification verifying their identity in order to vote in any election, subject to exceptions which may be established by law?”

Translation of Question: Do you think that the current state law, which requires you to show a form of valid photo ID to vote, should be added to the Wisconsin Constitution?

YES vote – The State Constitution should be amended to ensure our current voter ID laws will remain in place for years to come.

NO vote – Voter ID will remain current state law but will not be added to the Constitution and could be overturned by any legislature or court ruling at any time.

We need an ID for just about everything these days. It just makes sense to require ID to vote. Wisconsinites can obtain a valid photo ID for free at their local DMV.

Our Spring election is less than two weeks away. We need to elect a Supreme Court Justice with integrity, who will fight for the people, judge impartially, and protect what has made Wisconsin great. Brad Schimel will restore true conservative values to Wisconsin’s justice system and respect our Wisconsin Constitution. Vote for Brad Schimel on April 1.

There is 1 Comment

I will be voting yes, and talking about it with everyone I see! And I will vote for Schimel and encourage that also.

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