Concerns about Susan Crawford
In a democracy, we're used to listening to candidates tell us what they plan to do in government. Then we vote for them based on what they tell us. Words and what they mean to us are very important. I have concerns about candidate Susan Crawford. I have not heard her come up with definitions of words that we commonly know the meaning of- - words like: woman, mandate, the border is secure, democracy vis-a-vis democratic republic.
During an interview on Capitol City Sunday (dictated on my laptop) Susan Crawford, said, "I use the same common sense approach in every case; make sure I get the facts right; make sure that I understand what the law is that should be applied in that case. I look at the impact of the decision on the people involved." WHAT? She's going to supplant her subjective observance of the impact of the decision on the people involved - over and above the two houses of the legislature and the governor in passing the law (with open debate). I do not want a judge who is going to pass on whether parents have a right to protect their children from being a transsexual; using an argument that the professionals, in the schoolhouse, are preventing a possible suicide by the child. (Studies have shown up to a 12 fold suicide attempt by transitioned children and we're still in the first years of this phenomenon.)
Wisconsin code: "940.04 Abortion. (5) This section does not apply to a therapeutic abortion which: (a) Is performed by a physician; and (b) Is necessary, or is advised by 2 other physicians as necessary, to save the life of the mother; and (c) Unless an emergency prevents, is performed in a licensed maternity hospital."
The Crawford campaign has put out a political ad that shows a woman lamenting that she was lying in a bed, dying, and her doctor could not help her. Question: Is this an attempt by Crawford to deceive? I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I know what I read in the Wisconsin code. I leave it up to you: How do you read it?
"Last month, Soros and Pritzker gave $1 million and $500,000, respectively, to the state Democrat Party, which then transferred the funds to Crawford's campaign.", Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 2/26/25. It seems like Democrats have a lot of problems with a rich man named Musk - who is saving us money - but not at all with Soros and Pritzker. It is easy to see the mess that Soros has created in California' criminal justice system. Pritzker's mess: On January 31st, it was reported that 33 counties in Illinois want to form a NEW STATE. And Soros and Pritzker - just like me - like to get what they pay for.
Vote early for Schimel, the roads could get bad on April 1 or you could come down ill.
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