February 2025

Celebrating Marriage with WFC’s Marriage Hall of Fame

February 08, 2025 - 08:37

At Wisconsin Family Action, we believe that strong marriages that last a lifetime are the bedrock for a strong Wisconsin. That’s why, during the month of February, we celebrate and honor marriage with National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-Feb. 14) and highlight some of Wisconsin’s longest-married couples with WFC’s Marriage Hall of Fame. Four years ago, we began this program as a way to honor the institution of marriage and individual marriages that have gone the distance in our state. Over the past four years, we have recognized 63 couples, with the longest marriage recorded at 79 years!

Letters to the FBI about the unsolved January 6, 2021 pipe bomb investigation

February 08, 2025 - 08:26

I joined my Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations colleagues in addition to, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) to send letters to AT&T Inc., T-Mobile USA, Inc., Verizon Communications Inc., and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seeking answers about the FBI’s use of cellular data in the investigation into the pipe bombs that were discovered on Jan. 6, 2021 in Washington, D.C.

Listening Session Summary

February 08, 2025 - 08:12

Over the past few weeks, I hosted six listening sessions across the 17th Senate District – one in each county I represent. The sessions took place in Barneveld, Belleville, Belmont, Brodhead, Fennimore, and Prairie du Chien. I heard from more than 100 people who shared a wide variety of opinions, ideas, and concerns.

The only candidate dedicated to restoring high standards

February 03, 2025 - 20:11

We have a primary election coming up on Tuesday, February 18 that features who will be the next person responsible for educating our children in public schools. Choose wisely.

Our public schools are failing our kids. A recent report shows that only 31% of students are able to read at grade level. Milwaukee Public Schools rank last in the entire nation for 4th Reading. Reading proficiency has steadily declined. Instead of fixing the problem, the current Superintendent for Public Instruction is lowering standards hoping that no one will notice.

Witness to History

February 01, 2025 - 09:38

Inauguration Day was a good day for America. Watching Donald Trump take the oath of office becoming the 47th President of the United States was an honor. It is time to not only make America great again, but make it even better after four years of disastrous Democratic policies.

Test Scores: Only 31% of Wisconsin Students Proficient in Reading

February 01, 2025 - 09:29

Last week, in the Republican response to Governor Evers' State of the State Speech, I outlined Republican priorities, including ensuring our kids are properly taught to read in school. You may remember I mentioned that the Department of Public Instruction was lowering standards to make it look like kids were doing better than they were, and that our plan would be to tie state scores to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) exam to maintain a steady baseline that made it possible to assess year-over-year progress or decline in our reading scores without using funny math.

Pondering the Penny

February 01, 2025 - 09:26

“A penny saved is a penny earned” is a well-known quotation often attributed to Benjamin Franklin. He reportedly never said that, but instead wrote in his 1737 Poor Richard’s Almanac “A penny saved is a two pence clear”. As a kid many decades ago, I heard “A penny saved is a penny earned” many times. It was probably my first lesson in Economics long before I had any idea about the definition of economics!
