March 2017

PRAT Tax Public Hearings

March 28, 2017 - 06:54

I attended the public hearing for the PRAT tax on March 16 hosted by County Board Chair Tara Johnson. After listening to a presentation about how bad the county infrastructure is and why our government is recommending this new tax I asked the following question: Considering that voters adamantly opposed a wheel tax just a few short months ago, what makes you think they will approve this new sales tax? Specifically, I'm thinking about single mothers who are already struggling to make ends meet.


Whatever happened to Journalistic Ethics?

March 17, 2017 - 13:35

While reading today's La Crosse Tribune (3/17), I came upon an AP wire article: "Walker and Trump differ on defunding". I fully understand the Tribune did not write this article — they just included it because it is concerning both Governor Walker and President Trump. However, the first phrase of the first sentence shows the preconception that this writer has:

"President Trump and his close Republican ally Scott Walker are at odds…"


La Crosse County Voters Should Reject New Taxes

March 15, 2017 - 12:14

Here is the precise wording of a referendum that La Crosse County voters will see on the April ballot:

The County has identified $87.6 million in unmet road needs. To pay for transportation infrastructure in place of annual borrowing, should La Crosse County seek authority to levy a 0.5 percent (1/2 cent on the dollar) sales tax on tourist related items sold, leased or rented through tourist related retailers, (approximately 50% of local retail sales)?


Democrat Vandal Crime Spree Comes to a Close

March 15, 2017 - 06:46

We had a new hate crime in the LaCrosse area; it was akin to mining a rice paddy. A low life, deranged individual has been putting roofing nails on driveways and who knows where else. This was done to inflict pain and suffering on honorable people who are trying to preserve traditional America.

Here's how the La Crosse Tribune reported it:

A La Crosse man admitted throwing roofing nails into driveways of residents who supported Republican candidates after someone stole his lawn sign supporting a Democratic candidate, according to La Crosse police reports.


Congressman Misleads Voters About Repeal and Replace

March 07, 2017 - 12:36

While addressing a question from a La Crosse constituent, Congressman Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) misled everyone in attendance by speaking only to the repeal portion of plans that Republicans are putting together. All of the segments that Kind itemizes in his comments are parts that Republicans have clearly made an effort to replace within their new legislation.
