It’s the Law
Are you tired of the television advertisements about Supreme Court candidate Brad Schimel being an extremist and unfit for the Supreme Court because he supports an 1849 law about abortion? That, my friend, is exactly why he supports it. It’s the law!
Judge Brad Schimel, like all good judges and justices, leaves his personal preferences at the courtroom door. He does not pre-judge the case based on personal experiences, likes or dislikes, or public opinion. He considers the facts and then rules following “The Rule of Law” meaning what the Constitution or other properly legislated and approved law requires. Today in the United States we have far too many activist judges or justices that seem to forget “The Rule of Law”.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court could be considered an activist court. Why else was the previously court approved Legislative Districts Map found unconstitutional two years or less after it had been approved? Did the election of a new liberal justice tipping the balance of the court have anything to do with it? The law was the same but one justice had changed!
Schimel referenced a couple of recent Supreme Court cases at a May 2024 event using terms like “profoundly arrogant” and “Integrity and humility are missing from this court”. This isn’t just a Wisconsin problem but rather a national problem. A recent NEWSMAX magazine (February 2025) had a two-page article “Time to Stop Treating Judges Like Gods”. The same issue had a cover story on John Fetterman, the maverick Senator from Pennsylvania. “Fetterman intends to navigate the path less traveled – that of bridge builder. In addition to foreign policy, putting an end to the weaponization of the judiciary, and offering Trump’s nominees a fair hearing…”
Another set of advertisements used by his opponent against Schimel involve untested rape kits. A Wisconsin Right Now reports “Wisconsin Judge Susan Crawford’s DISHONEST Rape Kit Attack Disregards Victims’ Wishes”. The article starts “Dane County Judge Susan Crawford is slamming former Attorney General Brad Schimel for not rushing the testing of rape kits in which sexual assault survivors did not consent to the testing, rapists were already convicted or were acquitted, or the accusations were false.” It continued a few paragraphs later “Brad Schimel completed testing more than 4,100 rape kits right before leaving office in 2019….a monumental task no other AG ever accomplished.”
In considering Judge Brad Schimel for Supreme Court in the election on April 1st, remember that throughout his career he has protected the rights of law-abiding citizens, defended the victims, defended the 2nd Amendment, supported law enforcement, and preserved our freedoms. His judgements are based on ‘”The Rule of Law” not personal preference. And, as the former State Attorney General he has been endorsed by more than fifty Sheriffs from across the state.
Along with the election for a new Supreme Court Justice there will be the election for State Superintendent of Public Instruction and a Constitutional Amendment. The Constitutional amendment concerns “Should Voter ID be Required to Vote?” This amendment simply puts current state law into the Constitution and the reason is simple; activist judges / justices. It will be harder to misinterpret and then change the Constitution than a State Law. According to a Wisconsin Faith & Freedom Coalition Voter Guide, Schimel is for the amendment and Crawford is against it. (Does this means she is against current state law?)
The same Voter Guide asked five simple questions of both candidates. While Schimel answered all five questions, Crawford provided “No Response” on three of the five questions and the candidates disagreed on the other two. She had “No Response” on current hot topics like “Enforce Immigration Laws” and “Recognize Only 2 Genders”.
In the all-important Spring Election on Tuesday, April 1st please join me in voting for Brad Schimel for Supreme Court. He is by far the superior candidate. And, I just don’t think his opponent is up to the standard of excellence that we expect on the Supreme Court. In the other major election contests, please vote for Brittany Kinser for State Superintendent of Public Instruction and vote “YES” on the Constitutional Amendment. There is a fourth question on all the ballots for District Appeals Court where in both cases, District III and District IV, the incumbent is running unopposed. A vote here will simply say “Thank you for your patriotic service” as each will probably win anyway.
The important thing is to be informed and then vote!
There is 1 Comment
Schimel and 1849 law
...he supports an 1849 law about abortion? That, my friend, is exactly why he supports it. It’s the law!
Sorry, the law has been updated and revised in 1984. Here it is and what Schimel would be enforcing as IT'S THE LAW.
Wisconsin code: "940.04 Abortion. (5) This section does not apply to a therapeutic abortion which: (a) Is performed by a physician; and (b) Is necessary, or is advised by 2 other physicians as necessary, to save the life of the mother; and (c) Unless an emergency prevents, is performed in a licensed maternity hospital."
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