What is a liberal?

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What is a liberal?

April 10, 2018 - 18:14
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The headlines on the La Crosse Tribune said “Liberal Dallet Wins”. How do they know she is a liberal? What is a liberal? The first definition that comes up when you ask Google is “open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.”

The person elected to this position is supposed to swear to uphold the Constitution. Dallet already has the reputation of not liking Wisconsin values, and her track record tells us she will work against our Constitution. I wanted to elect someone who would uphold the Constitution, not be “open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.”

I am not against new things, but I grew up in Wisconsin in the heart of America, had a challenging childhood, but went on to accomplish far more than I thought was possible. Our Constitution is the reason we in America and Wisconsin are free to work hard, and accomplish as much as we have the ambition to accomplish. The rights granted in the Constitution protect us. That is why I wanted to elect people who uphold the Constitution and not be “open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.”

We are the greatest Republic in the history of the Earth, for one reason - our Constitution. There are many secondary reasons, but without the rules laid out in the Constitution, we would have failed like every other democracy or republic.

So sad that we have so many people who know so little history that they naively vote to destroy this great state. Many are selfish or have an unsustainable agenda that will turn us into one more failed society.

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