Why are Democrats OK with Women Getting Beat Up by Men?

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Why are Democrats OK with Women Getting Beat Up by Men?

September 21, 2024 - 09:57
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A growing debate over the participation of biological male athletes in women's sports has sparked heated discussions as poltical candidates travel the region visiting with voters in Wisconsin. Recent incidents involving biological males competing in female sports have raised concerns about the safety and fairness of athletic competitions, with reports of serious injuries to female athletes in sports like hockey, boxing, and wrestling. Critics argue that these athletes unfairly dominate their female counterparts, taking trophies and awards from girls who have worked hard to achieve their goals.

In response to these concerns, Republican lawmakers introduced two bills aimed at protecting girls' and women's sports. The first bill would have prohibited biological males from participating in girls’ sports at K-12 public and private schools in the state's choice program, while the second bill would have applied the same restrictions to University of Wisconsin (UW) System and technical schools. Both bills would have allowed biological males who identify as female to participate on co-ed teams.

Despite the bills passing with unanimous Republican support, Coulee Region Democrats Jill Billings, Steve Doyle, and Brad Pfaff voted against the measures. Following their passage, Democrat Governor Tony Evers vetoed the bills. In a statement, Evers defended his decision, saying, “I will veto any bill that makes Wisconsin a less safe, less inclusive, and less welcoming place for LGBTQ people and kids, and I will continue to keep my promise of using every power available to me to defend them, protect their rights, and keep them safe.”

Critics of the veto argue that allowing biological males to compete in female sports endangers women and compromises the integrity of these competitions. Some have questioned whether this represents a shift away from common sense, likening the current cultural debate to themes from George Orwell's *1984* where the tyrannical government tortured the main character into believing that 2+2 equals 5. Are they trying to force us into beleiving there are no biological realities?

As the debate continues, many are asking whether real Democrats who favor common-sense policies will regain influence in shaping their party’s direction.

When one of these Democrats stops at your door to try and earn your vote, ask them why they are opposed to common sense and biological reality.

There are 2 Comments

Chivalry is a set of ideas about how to behave honorably and politely, especially by men toward women. I remember the term Gentleman! If you read many of my comments you will not know I am tired of this modern destruction of Ladies and Gentlemen, and I will admit we have a few that don't fit that category, but society needs to concentrate on the huge majority, we can not help the people who don't qualify for those two categories at the expense of others. They have problems, but society needs to protect citizens, from assault.

Those who want to beat up on the opposite gender, need to be treated like the bullies they are, they have no place in competition, they should compete against their own gender, and society needs to stop their assault on others.

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