

The Most Expensive Fourth of July in History

As folks headed to the grocery store to prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July and the birth of our great nation, every shopper noticed skyrocketing prices on just about everything on the shelves.

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“Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
– 2 Corinthians 3:17

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We Must Restore Order at the Southern Border

To no surprise, President Biden continues to let illegal aliens into the U.S. by refusing to secure our southern border.

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Discussion about Democrats Covering Up Biden Health

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Restoring American Liberty Immediately (RALI Cry)

Last year our team surveyed Coulee Conservatives to get an understanding of what is on people’s minds. We are a group of professional problem solvers and the first step in solving any problem is to fully understand it.

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Puts Party Above the Law

The Democrat majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled on Friday that their previous ruling (just 2 years ago) outlawing ballot drop boxes was incorrect and they overturned that decision.

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2024 Survey

Please click the link below to register your opinion in our 2024 election cycle survey.

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Happy Independence Day!

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