

Time to Unleash American Energy

March Madness officially kicked off this week – both on the court and on Capitol Hill.

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Supporting Local Candidates

The local Democrat party is making noises again about Republican involvement in local elections. The truth is that Republicans are finally realizing that the County Board and School Boards have a big impact on our lives.

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Dismissal of Complaint against Wisconsin Republican Electors

The Wisconsin Elections Commission has voted 6-0 to dismiss a complaint against me and the other Republican Presidential Electors from Wisconsin.

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Truckers are Pandemic Heroes

I was happy to meet this week with members of the People's Convoy at the U.S. Capitol.

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Putin Starts World War III and Biden Responds with Ambivalence

Biden could end the war in Ukraine by taking one, simple step:

End ALL sactions on United States oil production
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Election Integrity Still a MAJOR Concern

Election integrity remains one of the TOP THREE issues in the current election cycle. Tens of millions of voters throughout the United States feel cheated from the slimy tactics used during the 2020 election.

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Act 10 Savings Tops $15 Billion since 2011

It's the eleventh anniversary since Legislative Republicans and Gov. Walker passed collective bargaining reform also known as Act 10.

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Testin on the Trail 3/8/2022

From Northwest all the way down to the Illinois border in Southeast Wisconsin, we saw again this week that the Republican grassroots are fired up.

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